Happy Mother's day!!!
As a gift to myself and the family, I really wanted to get some professional pics of Zachary done. I never cared for the thought of a studio set, and while I LOVE the personal location shots, I just can't fathom forking out the money for them!!! I know, I know...they are memories, but apparently I am surprisingly cheap when it comes to something I "feel" that I can do myself. I know, I know, I am NOT a professional photographer. I don't have a fancy camera, or the high quality editing programs...so my pictures never really look just like those nice family ones we see.
Oh well, I did it anyways!!! And I loved doing it! I talked to Dave and made sure he'd be around and awake enough to help me, and gathered or fashioned some props for the photos. My little model can be a bit "testy" at times, so I decided to catch him when he is is most happy which is right when he wakes up - at 6:30 am - on a Saturday! Sorry babe ;) Ask my husband how he feels about 6:30 am, I dare ya! (Insert laugh till you cry emoji)
I used my iPhone and this really great iPhone editing app that I bought for about $10. I love that the app has tons of filters but also lets me crop, light, adjust on my own too. It's really fun and I feel like a pro!!! Here are some of the shots. If you don't like them, feel free to judge and laugh from afar. If you do, well, I always like hearing good things ;)
I loved the hot air balloon idea! I found it on Pinterest and the best part is that it matches the theme of Zachary's birthday party later this month - Vintage Travel! I decided to cap his first year off with the same theme as his nursery. I love the theme, I don't think he'll ever choose it himself when he is older so I'm choosing it for him now! There are so many cute ideas too, I'm going to have a lot of fun with it! Some of these I'll have printed for the part, because they are so cute.
Now, prepare yourself for reality. It was just Dave and I and we aren't experts in baby wrangling for photos, but I love how they turned out so far. I'm still editing some, but here are some great ones I have as of today! I think I captured his crazy, exploring, inquisitive personality just perfectly! Enjoy!
These next two photos right here are real life, why are they my favorite? "Mom, I'm so done with your shenanigans!"
BTW the animal in the picture below is "Snow Luck Bear." I bought him at Target right before Christmas for $5. He is not very sturdy, being a $5 "bear." The funny thing is, he isn't a bear at all, he's a dog. He has a little snowflake on his tummy so I dubbed him "Snow Luck Bear" to bring us luck for a snowy winter (sorry, Maryland!) and after about a month we realized he a dog!!! Oh well, the name has stuck and he is Z's favorite thing ever. You should see him make out with him and sleep on top of him at night, it's hilarious! Oh and I can't even handle that face...
These are just the sweetest ever, aren't they? The photo he is holding is his newborn picture! Wasn't that just yesterday???
This picture is pretty typical of him, always exploring things, me always chasing after him. Le sigh....
"The pigeon wants a puppy" is Zachary's favorite book in the world right now. It's the first book he has ever really shown active interest in. We read all sorts of things to him, but this one I really act out and he loves it! He cries when we are done and will open my hand and shove the book back in. Next years party may have to be the Pigeon party ;)
Thanks for checking out my photos. Hope you enjoyed them!! I totally forgot to get suitcase photos, so I'll have to do those another time!
Thanks to my little bumble bee, my rainbow who gives me the privilege to be a momma on Earth. Its the best thing I've ever done!