Wow. I just finished my 4th week back at work, my 3rd week back with the students. That flew by! It's been a rough year to get used to. I'm tired all the time, I usually have a headache when I get home from work that lasts through the evening {I blame my sinuses, I should just go to the doctor already} and all I want to do is lay down and read, but when I do that, I fall asleep instead. For example, yesterday after work we went out for a family dinner, La Tolteca here in town, and I got home with the intention of watch an episode or two of Friends and then starting the next book in the series I am reading {Beautiful Creatures} but 6:30 in the evening...I fell asleep!
I'm going to be honest here, I've been really stressed out so far this year. I need to seriously relax. I feel that I am so behind and just trying to catch up. Shouldn't I be better than that, now that I am in my 3rd year? Hopefully things will even out!! I'm trying to relax and get enough rest and walk and breathe and pray...I know the stress will pass, hopefully sooner rather than later.
I will say that I have been less tired this week than I was during the first two. That is a plus. I've actually been able to get some things done after school like running errands, cleaning a bit, reading and writing my book.
What else has been going on...
Ashley started 9th grade...yes HIGH SCHOOL...and she seems to be really enjoying herself. Here is a picture of her and Dave on the students first day back...
Dave bought himself a little present. He's been driving around his moms old Honda for 3 years, and that has been a struggle for him. So we talked about a new car and priced some out and after a LOT of discussion we decided we could do this...
As long as it was a CHEAP one (in comparison to the new ones which are easily over $40k!) Believe me, we don't have the money to do that...this cost less then half of that! I still feel a little silly driving it around when he lets me...I'm much more of a "blend in" kinda girl when it comes to cars and I think this one stands out more than I care to drive. But it's perfect for him, he loves it and he works hard for us so I am so happy we found one that was just right for us:)
We named it Jacob Black. Because it's a beefcake, of course!! Oh and everyone in this household loves Twilight;)
I took my love of PINTEREST to work and did this...
Isn't that adorbs? It's a iPhone with all the apps turned into reasons students can see the counselor. My kids love it..."Mrs. Bland, I am angry like the angry bird" :)
So yes...while it's been a crazy, busy first few weeks, I'm still standing and my family still loves me even though I'm cranky and tired...and I'll just keep swimming until I get the hang of it all again. Sometimes I have to remember that I am there for the KIDS, and if I am making a difference in one life, or a few lives, or helping a student...then I am doing something right:)
I saw a quote the other day that said "Great teachers inspire students" and I taped that up at my desk. Am I inspiring anyone? I sure hope so!!! I'm not exactly a teacher, but I have the opportunity to inspire lots of students!! This week I started my classroom lessons (I do them all year, in every classroom, on all different topics. There are over 30 classes in my school, so that keeps me busy!) and I am reading or reviewing this book with all the students...
I seriously love this book. Not only does it help students think of ways to be nice and brighten someones day, but it helps me remember too. So I have 21 more lessons to go on this, 21 more times of reminding myself to be a Bucket Filler to people that I come in contact with. If you have kids, get it and read it to them. If you don't have kids, get it anyways:) There are some other versions of this book so it fits for all ages. I just love it:)
That is my last few weeks in a nutshell. Thanks for hanging with me while I ramble on. I'm going to go read now - did you know I love to read?? ;)
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