October 13, 2011

Coupon = addiction!

Ok gang, here is the break down of my trip tonight!!  I think I've written it all out right - hopefully this is helpful if you want to try couponing for yourself!!

Read the book by the Krazy Coupon Lady because that is how I learned to do all this!!  You have to get mulitple copies of The Sun or The Aegis so get copies of each coupon (i.e. my tropicana deal below) it really makes a difference.  I have a local store near me that saves all the old papers for me.  They charge me for a few and then give me extra inserts since they don't make money off those - they can give the papers back for a reimbursment but I guess they don't care about the inserts. 

Here it goes!!

I've been couponing for about 2 weeks now - I know I can do better than this, but I am just starting to stockpile and learn the ropes and rules!

Price before coupons and sales: $118.25
Price after coupons and sales: $ 47.47
Saved: 70.78 or about 60%

Also earned a $5 coupon off my next order.

2 Sparkle paper towels 6pck $3.84 each
used a $1/2 coupon
paid 6.68

Angel Soft toilet paper for $2.34
no coupon for this since I just started:(  but this was the best deal, and we need it...NOW;)  when you stockpile you dont have that problem!

5 Heinz gravy for .99
no coupon
earned $5 off next order

Safeway mustard for .99
no coupon, but we needed this pronto - need to find a great sale and stock up!

5 Campbell select soups for .99 each
coupon for $1.50/3
paid: $3.45 (bought a few extra of these)

4 Campbell chicken noodle for .60 each
coupon for $1/4
Paid $1.40

5 Campbell condensed soups for 1.25
used $1/5
paid 5.25

12 pck of Thomas english muffins for 1.77
used Shoprite coupon from mailer
paid .97

Family size package of ground beef for 6.59

3 pound boneless pork shoulder for 3.19

Keller butter for 3.19
used Shoprite coupon from mailer
paid .99

Oscar Meyer bacon for 4.65
used Shoprite coupon from mailer
paid 1.77

Eggland dozen eggs for 2.59
on sale for 1.77
used man Q for $.55/1 (doubled to $1)
paid .77

Shoprite large 18 pk of eggs for 2.69
use Shoprite coupon

4 Tropicana OJ for 2.89 each
on sale for 1.77 each
used 4 $1/1 coupons
and they let me stack a shoprite coupon so
1 was FREE
paid 2.08 for the other 3 can we say STOCKPILE!? yes!!! three are in the freezer...

Shoprite Milk for 2.99
no coupon for this - should have bought at Wegmans since it's new in town and has a locked in price of 2.69

4 Colgate toothbrushes for .77 each
used 2 $1/2 coupons (best I had at this point)
paid $1.08 for all 4

Shoprite egg noodles for 1.59
no coupon:(  probably can get a better deal down the road but needed these now

So that is it!!  I prob won't break down all my trips, but I can post what I buy and what I pay and if you are interested just send me a message on FB and I can tell you!

Other deals this week:

2 reams of paper
1 pop up tape dispenser
1 pk command hooks
Spent: $13.68
Submitted for Staples rebates (easy to sign up for, go to their website) totaling $16!!  That means I made over $2, for shopping?!?!  Yeah, I can live with that;)  They are sending me a check as we speak.

Ok - thats all for now - isnt it so fun?!?!

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